Stupid brain!
I'm sitting here at school, totally wiped out and just feeling like I need to curl up in a ball and sleep for the rest of the week, but I'm here. I'm here early as I usually am to come sit in the office of the student development director (who is so sweet) to infuse my afternoon dose of IV antibiotics. I got here, got myself set up at the table, pulled out my bag of IV stuff, and realized I'd packed everything I needed except the so important alchohol pads. I spent a while rummaging through my backpack and purse (of course it's not the purse I usually have, it's a new one so there hasn't been time for a couple of alcohol pads to get lost in it) and came up with nothing. Even if I had found one pad, one measly little pad, I could have made that work but I found none. So faced with the decision of skipping the afternoon dose (which I so hate to do, especially since I missed a few doses last week while I was out doing stuff in Montreal) or hooking up without cleaning the end of my IV line which would risk infection. I don't know exactly what the chance of infection is in doing that but I'm not chancing it so I'm here with an hour and a half to kill and this will be yet another skipped dose. In total, I've probably only missed 4 or 5 doses since starting it in the middle of September but still, every dose missed could potentially cause problems.
So I'm kicking myself and just generally annoyed and frustrated that I forgot to pack that very basic necessity. And of course I didn't pack my little bag of extra IV supplies that I usually carry in my IV hydration bag because I'm using a different bag. It seems like maybe I wasn't supposed to do this afternoon dose because what are the chances that I wouldn't have even one alcohol pad hanging around in any of my bags! Seriously, most of my bags have at least a few stuck at the bottom of one of the compartments so it's just weird that there aren't any in the bags I happen to have with me. It's amazing to think of how important such a simple thing can be. I bet I'll never make this mistake again (although chances are I will). At least I'll have to stick some extra alcohol pads in all of my bags just in case I run into a similar situation. Oh well, I'll try not to stress over it since there's nothing I can do about it now. And, like I said, maybe I'm just not supposed to do my dose this afternoon. Maybe my body needs the afternoon off to continue recovering from such a tiring week last week. At least I have my homework and computer with me to occupy this extra time before class!
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