Number 12
So far, I haven’t done much along the lines of attacking my “30 Before 30 List”. But this month I’m diving in. And the first thing I’m going after is number 12 - Stop drinking soda for a month (30 days). I’m starting today, September 1st, and the plan is to not drink any soda for the rest of the month at least.
I also plan to start on number 16 - Get to the point of being able to run at least 1 mile without stopping. My plan is to join a gym next week near where I nanny and start going at least a few times a week to build up my walking/running stamina.
And I am on my way to completing number 28 - Donate books, clothes, stuffed animals, etc. (SIMPLIFY!). Eric and I have made one trip to Savers with donations and there is another trip in our near future with more stuff.
So there are three things to start and hopefully accomplish or at least get underway this month. Now to work on planning some of the bigger things, some of the trips that will require a bit more than just deciding I’m going to start it some month or day.
And as a little bit of an aside, I had a wonderful vacation last month which began with Eric proposing! So I am now engaged and will be occupied with planning a wedding while trying to complete the “30 Before 30 List”. We’re shooting for a late-February wedding which means approximately a 6-month engagement - not a long time to plan a wedding but I’m sure we’ll be able to pull it off. And it’s kind of funny because when I was making up my 30 list, in the back of my head I had this thought to put “Get engaged” down but I didn’t want to put anything down that wasn’t fully under my control. I may still tweak and adjust the list, though. But I’ll probably post updates if/when they are made so I still feel like I’m holding myself accountable in some way to stick to the list.
So here’s to a good month and starting towards checking things off of the list!