Monday, December 18, 2006

Past Writings...Now Posted

Okay, so you may be confused about the dates on some of the things recently posted. I usually have a notebook with me when I go pretty much anywhere and if I have time and thoughts floating around in my head (having them in my head isn't rare, but actually being able to catch them and/or stay with the same idea for very long is) I'll sit and write something. So these are things that I wrote about a month ago and I'm posting them with the date they were actually written rather than the date they were posted so they are NEW postings but they are OLD dates. I hope that makes some kind of sense...and that you actually cared to know any of that. If not, nevermind and continue on to read the posts! (Would they be post-dated or pre-dated?? I can never keep those straight.)



At December 19, 2006 4:01 AM, Blogger garbungled said...

One down . . . well two down if you count this post and a few more to go, not really sure how many but damn it you're not getting my Krunk! . . . Krunk needs a name . . .

By the way, what's the deal with the word variation? I just tried to post the comment and it wouldn't let me, it said I needed to verify the stupid (non) word. I think that's a setting you can change . . . please?

Oh yeah, remind me to ask you if you've heard of the Duhks, I have their CD in my stereo (is that what it's called? I can never figure out the right term) I think in order to wake my ass up in the "morning" I'll try turning my stereo on sing my ::sniffle:: iPod ::sniffle:: is . . . ::wails:: deeeeead! Or, you know, just being a royal pain in my ass . . . more or less the same thing. Actually, if you want you can turn my music on when you wake me up . . . just beware that it may be turned all the way up to zero and that's kind of loud. 0=)

Wow, anyway, that was going to be a short little post, but now it's massive, though not as massive as the last I think.



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